"I honestly think I could vote for her," said Graham after acknowledging the increasing inevitablity of Sotomayor's confirmation.
In this remarks to the judge during yesterday's hearing, Graham reminded Sotomayor that she has "said some things that have bugged the hell out of me," but that by and large her judgment has "generally been in the mainstream. The Ricci case, you missed one of the biggest issues in the country or you took a pass. But I'm going to say that as Senator Feinstein said, you have come a long way."
"To be honest with you, your record as a judge has not been radical by any means."

"I regret that I have offended some people," Sotomayor said. "I believe that my life demonstrates that was not my intent."
To which Graham said, "You know what judge, I agree with you."
"To those who may be bothered by [that explanation], what do you say?" he asked.
Senator Graham may not vote for Sotomayor after all, but he demonstrated his knack for bucking his party and voting with his head without ideological grandstanding. And he demonstrated this ability during a confirmation hearing for a Supreme Court nominee, Ground Zero for the ideological warfare many of his party's faithful wish to unleash. I respect that.
Hat tip Politico.
Step into the rain: secondrain.blogspot.com
I still think it's idiotic that they spent so much time harping on the "wise Latina" comment.
ReplyDeleteShe's been a judge on a federal bench of some sort since, what, '91, and instead of talking about her record, what the Republicans decide to do is complain, complain, complain, make bad Ricky Ricardo impressions, and talk about crack cocaine, which, when taken as a soundbite out of context is quite contrary to its actual meaning (you know, kind of like Sotomayor's "wise Latina" comment was taken out of context).
I suppose it should be said that making impressions and talking about illegal drugs isn't exactly a fabulous representation of the majority of the comments from Republicans. But, as always, I'm sure you know all this because we both watch the same news shows, and probably read similar blogs.
Why is it, again, that I even bother commenting on your posts when you already know everything I have to say?